Man holding newborn baby

Did you know that your life insurance needs vary as your life changes? Most people understand that having life insurance is part of a responsible financial plan, but they are not aware that their needs will continue changing. Once you have found a plan that meets your needs and gives you peace of mind, it is important to reevaluate it occasionally as your life insurance needs fluctuate throughout different life stages.

Consider the following five different life stages and how they can impact your life insurance needs.

1. Marriage

Getting married is a positive and exciting life event for any couple, but amidst all the party planning, most couples do not stop to think about how marriage could affect their life insurance needs. Getting married means that you are now one unit, and your financial obligation becomes a joint effort. Marriage does not directly affect your life insurance rates, but now that you have a spouse, you can choose to purchase a policy together. Having a joint policy means that if one of you passes on, the surviving spouse is financially stable and can maintain their current living standard. The surviving spouse is also in a position to use the death benefits to supplement retirement or a child’s education down the road.

2. Becoming a Parent

Becoming a parent is an equally amazing and terrifying experience. One moment you are an independent adult, and the next, you have a child who entirely depends on you. It is vital for you and your spouse to review your life insurance policy because it is no longer just the two of you—you now have at least one financial dependent. It is time to think about how your family would cope financially if something happened to either you or your spouse.

When you have a kid, there are other factors that are important to consider, such as the fact that kids can be expensive to raise. Also, child-rearing expenses tend to increase with age. You should also keep in mind that college education is expensive. As a parent, you should ask yourself whether your partner can handle these child-related expenses if you are suddenly not there.

3. Mortgage Protection

Your family home might be your most significant asset, but it is also one of the most substantial financial responsibilities. For most families, mortgage repayments constitute their largest regular expense, and it is for this reason that most people take life insurance policies. Life insurance can be an essential lifeline for the family, especially when the primary earner in the family passes away.

4. Running a Business

If you are self-employed or run a small business, the chances are high that you have made a substantial investment in it. If you have made an investment in the recent past, such as purchasing a new building, it could change the value of your business. If this happens, insurance limits are raised so that they can cover business debts that your family might be liable for if you passed on. However, if you don’t have life insurance, they might be forced to liquidate some assets to pay off the debt.

5. Divorce

If you and your spouse decide to divorce, it is crucial that you determine what happens to your life insurance policy. Divorce will raise two kinds of issues: beneficiary and coverage issues. If you did not have children during your marriage, the issue is as simple as just changing the beneficiary and adjusting your coverage to reflect your newly single status. If you have children, you simply change the beneficiary from your spouse to the children.

Most people are not aware of how their life insurance needs change as their lives change. It is essential that you adjust your policy depending on the stage of life you are in.


The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. This material was developed and produced by FMG Suite to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. FMG, LLC, is not affiliated with the named broker-dealer, state- or SEC-registered investment advisory firm. The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security. Copyright 2024 FMG Suite.