Reed Hatfield - CIC

Reed Hatfield

Risk Advisor

I am a life-long resident of Dallas, and I joined Patterson & Associates after 20 years of Sales and Sales Leadership roles with Fox Sports, Time Warner Cable, and Charter Communications. My decision to join the firm was based on a desire to help companies and families to lower their exposures to unforeseen losses – by appropriately transferring risks. I thoroughly enjoy working with my clients to stay proactive in their approach to insurance needs – keeping them aware of changing market conditions and helping them to stay in front of potential problems. I have a track record of success in helping my customers by saving them time, lowering their stress, and helping them properly allocate the right budget amounts to the right initiatives.

I graduated from Texas Christian University in 1998 with a BBA in Finance, and I completed an MBA from the Cox School of Business at Southern Methodist University in 2005 – with concentrations in Business Unit Strategy, Strategic Leadership, and Entrepreneurship. Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with Carrie, my wife of 20 years – and our twin daughters Cate and Claire (13), and Gigi (7). I have become a big volleyball fan, due to Cate and Claire’s participation in the sport. I also enjoy serving as a volunteer coach to Gigi’s basketball and volleyball teams – and I am an active leader of my children’s Sunday School classes. Although I don’t play near as often as in past years – I will always remain an avid golfer, and I try to fit in a round when schedule allows.


What are your hobbies &/or guilty pleasures? Golf, Tennis, and Volleyball.

What brings you joy outside of work? Watching my kids in their activities… sports and music.

What do others say your strengths are? Strong Work Ethic, High Integrity, and Willingness to Help.

Any fun facts about you or your family? Twin daughters both write left-handed and play sports right-handed – I am the same (weird genetics, I guess).

What do you love most about working for Patterson & Associates? Culture of Success – achieved by focusing on helping others to protect their most important assets.