Directors and Officers Insurance shields management and executives from claims brought against them during their service on a board of directors or as officers of an organization. Simply put, this insurance covers claims arising from decisions and actions taken by company leaders in the course of their duties.

Regardless of whether it’s a nonprofit organization, a venture supported by venture capital, or a multinational corporation, our D&O insurance policies are tailored to address the distinct needs and risks of each entity. This coverage encompasses various scenarios including, but not limited to:

  • Breach of fiduciary duty leading to financial losses or bankruptcy
  • Misrepresentation of company assets
  • Misuse of company funds

  • Fraudulent activities
  • Non-compliance with workplace regulations
  • Intellectual property theft and customer poaching from competitors
  • Insufficient corporate governance

Any business with a corporate board or advisory committee, including nonprofit organization, requires D&O insurance to mitigate potential risks and liabilities.

Empty chairs in conference room
Empty chairs in conference room
At Patterson & Associates Insurance Agency, Inc., we offer steadfast insurance solutions for Directors & Officers (D&O) across North Texas and all the cities throughout Texas we serve.

Speak To An Agent: (972) 669-2431 or